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How to Download and Install the Mod:

If you're having issues, feel free to join our Discord or check the FAQ.
Install Video

Before you start installing the mod, make sure you have the following things!

  1. Get the newest version of RoT.
  2. Get the newest version of Harmony.
  3. Get the newest version of ButterLib.
  4. Get the newest version of Mod Configuration Menu.
  5. Get the newest version of UIExtender.
  6. Make sure your game is on the correct game version (Currently 1.2.10/1.2.11/1.2.12).
  7. Make sure you have software to open archive files. We recommend 7zip.
  8. Optional: If you are on Gamepass/Epic/GOG, you will need BLSE.

Now to the actual installation part!

  1. Right-click the file called Realm of Thrones (or ROT) and select open archive: Extract File
  2. Open the folder inside the window and locate the ROT folders: Locate Modules Folder Locate Modules Folder
  3. Select all the ROT folders in the window.
    Right-click the ROT folders and hit copy to. Bannerlord Copy
  4. Navigate to your Bannerlord modules path (e.g., Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\modules) and copy the path
    Paste the path into the copy to window, press OK and wait for it to finish: Bannerlord Directory Bannerlord Directory
  5. Once finished, go into the Modules folder of your Bannerlord directory and verify the RoT folders are there: Verify RoT Folders
  6. Install Harmony, ButterLib, Mod Configuration Menu, and UIExtender the same way.
  7. Launch the game and activate the mods in the Launcher. Ensure RoT is at the bottom of your load order: Load Order Example Launcher Example

Changing Game Versions on Steam:

  1. Right-click your game on Steam and select Properties: Steam Properties
  2. Go to the Betas tab: Betas Tab
  3. Select the required version from the drop-down menu: Select Game Version